Posts Tagged ‘Lying in clinic’

Called for IV insertion

Monday, January 5th, 2009

iv-class-034 I was called the other night to insert and IV (intravenous) insertion. The patient really needed an IV so that the Induction of labor be started. The staff of the Lying In Clinic were not successful of inserting an IV so they called me up. I was almost ready to sleep when I received the call. I am very much willing to help them when they need to. I was praying that God would bless my hand to let me insert the dextrose successfully in just one poke. It felt a little bit stress because, somehow I doubted myself a little though I already done many insertions. I do not want to poke the patient twice since the patient had been poke like thrice with their try. It would be so shameful if I do not do it successful since they expected me to make it. I really prayed hard that God will help me with it. God answered my prayers. I did it successful in just one try. To God be the glory.