Posts Tagged ‘labor’

2nd Birth Handle 01/22/99

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Leila N. 26 y.o, G2P2, delivered baby girl “ Hannah Paula”at 01:43am, a small baby, , apgar score 8/9, 250cc, with hemoglobin of 9. delivered by LP, ZG, AT, with patient’s mom. # 1637

Liela came in the clinic fully and the BOW was already ruptured clear. The baby was out after 13 minutes. The baby was given free-flow oxygen due to cyanosis but the color pinked up after few seconds. I was very fast birth with no complications. She has a 1st degree laceration that needed no suturing. It was good she did not hemorrhage considering she was very anemic. She just lost a very minimum amount of blood at birth.
It was a very exciting birth. Liela has a twin sister that I got to see. They really looked alike. After few months we visited them at their house and Leila cut my hair. It was fun.
1st stage = 3 hr 35 min
2nd stage = 54 min
3rd stage = 07 min
Total admission = 4 hr 54 min

Birth story #5

Sunday, November 15th, 2009

4/28/00 – 115th birth handled (294 present birth)

I was on night shift. Loudeliza, 33 y.o, G5P5, was endorsed to me from Ana. I did an IE at 7:02pm, she was only 2 cm. After the IE her contractions peaked up. There are many cases that a IE stimulates contractions that is why it is not advisable to do an IE with premature labor.

She was on her active labor. I advised her to deep breath and relax and lie on her left side because she had a borderline high BP 140/94. At 9:49pm, she was already 4-5 cm, 80% effaced, +1 station, with IBOW (intact bag of water.

At 10:020pm, she was 9cm and wanted to push I did an AROM which helped the baby’s head down, with moderate meconium stain. I held up the cervical lip while she started pushing. She was fully but the FHT (fetal heart tones) went down so we gave her an oxygen and the FHT peaked up. At 10:34pm a big baby boy “Lourd Artem” was born with Apgar score of 7/9, we suctioned and stimulated the baby to cry. He responded well. He weighed 850grms./8.8 lbs.

The placenta was out at 10:38pm. She only lost 200cc of blood. We gave the patient a 10 “u” pitocin as prophylaxis because considering she is multipara and had a big baby, she had a high risk for bleeding.
Present at birth: me, Grace E, JJ & Celeste C
1st stage – 18 hrs 30 mins
2nd stage – 15 mins
3rd stage – 04 mins
Admitted – 3 hrs 40 mins

Called for IV insertion

Thursday, January 22nd, 2009

I was once again called up in the middle of the night to insert an IV to a laboring patient. The staff in the Lying clinic where I worked before needed help for it. So I went there and of course, I prayed and ask God to guide my hand and be able to insert the IV cannula successfully in one try since the patient had couple of poke already. God did answered my prayer. I was able to insert it without any problems. I used to insert it in the cephalic vein. I like that site because it big compare to the other veins. At the same time, it is not hard for the patient since she can move her hand without dislodging the IV cannula. There is no need for a splint which make her hand immobile.
The laboring patient needs to be induced for her labor did not progress so I she needs one so that medication will be given to her via IVTT (intravenous through tubing). After the insertion I went back home feeling good about myself that I was able to help someone.