Posts Tagged ‘Nurse qualifying exam’

I passed the Nurse Qualifying exam

Friday, January 23rd, 2009

Few days after the said exam, I called to follow up if the Hospital Human Resource posted the names who passed the exam. I went to the hospital to follow up about it. When I looked at their cork board it is not posted yet. Just in time the Head nurse III came out from their room and I inquired about. She told me to just go inside and ask her secretary who is not finish checking the test papers. I was so lucky that my test paper was checked first. I passed.. yeheahh!!!! I am so grateful and thankful for God answered my prayers. I remember some of the questions : How many liters of Oxygen of nasal cannula? It is 1-6 liters. There was also a IV calculation about the drops per minute. I forgot the exact question but all I know was that I know how to calculate. It is easy if you memorized the formula which is Total volume X drop factor over time in minutes.
I was advised to call them few days after to know the day of orientation. I am very excited…