Archive for July 26th, 2009

Perineal repair

Sunday, July 26th, 2009

I worked swing shift today. I worked with runny nose and teary eyes because of allergies. I ate chicken. We had two births. One of our patients bled a lot. She lost 1200cc of blood because of bleeders from the perineal laceration. It was hard to find the bleeders. I managed to clamp it with haemostat. I found 3 bleeders so I put 3 hemostat in their. I sutured the patient right away. Actually, I was not the one who supervised the birth but the other supervisor asked to do it. We gave Intravenous fluids. Before the patient delivered we already noticed that she had a previous laceration that was not sutured. Some of the parts are not already aligned and there were already growth tissues. In other words, it looked like she already had 10 babies instead of two.I offered a free vaginal repair if she wants to. It is so expensive when you have it. I haven’t do vaginal repair yet but I saw and observed the doctor did it 3 times. The patient agreed. But God’s grace, I was able to repair her vaginal great. I felt so happy that it was successful. The patient, mother and the husband of the patient were so glad. After I am done with the repair another labor came just right before endorsement.6/11/09